
Construction story time-how storytelling helps communities.

Our little suburb has a lot of construction happening, including a third rail track. The children’s playground is temporarily closed and there’s lots of dust and noise.

Paul from The Children’s Bookshop at Beecroft had a brilliant idea to present a “Construction” story time.





Two big , burly, and really quite tall construction workers, who had […]

By |November 20th, 2015|Book list, boys, community, Good for grouptime|0 Comments

Stories for wriggly little boys!

How do you  find books for younger boys, that hold their interest?

You don’t always need to read a whole book, when children’s attention is shorter.

You can just look at the pictures and chat a little about them.

Even if you read half of a book, it’s a start and you can come back to it […]