100 Stories Before School( hereafter referred to as “the project” has been developed as a voluntary project funded solely by private means.

The project is designed to provide resources, ideas and information free for anyone interested in early childhood development. We hope to further support the very best learning chances for our children before school.

Copyright and other relevant intellectual property rights exist for all text and content on the website. The 100 Stories Before School logo is a registered trademark, as is the project name.

The text below outlines how you may legally interact with the website and its content.

Please respect the intellectual property and developer’s hard work by:

  1. Understanding the creative commons licence rules. You may share the booklist and associated resources without any changes.

Check the rules here: 100 Stories Before School by The Early Literacy Journey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

  1. You may not reproduce any information from the project for profit, or sell, or charge for the resources.
  1. You may add your organisation’s logo to the resources if you are participating in the project and giving resources free to your community.
  1. When using the information, always acknowledge and provide links to the source so others may also find out about the project.
  1. If you are a Blogger, Facebook or Pinterest user:
  • Do link to our pages
  • Do comment on our posts and pages
  • Do pin our pages and posts onto Pinterest
  • Do comment and put suggestions on Facebook
  • Do ask us for information or blog posts on anything to do with early literacy.

Your Feedback helps us meet the needs of our community.


Think about all the hard work, research, careful thought and time that has been put into the project.

  • DO NOT cut and paste information onto other sites (Also-see the above note re booklist and associated resources)
  • DO NOT Quote without attribution
  • DO NOT copy photos or images
  • DO NOT place 100 Stories Before School resources, information and/or images into your associated hard copy or digital documents without permission from 100 Stories Before School
  • DO NOT link just to a downloaded document, link to the page so others can see the project

Always check with the developer (Sue Pearce- contact me (earlyliteracy1@gmail.com) if you have any questions.

“When it all boils down, it’s about embracing each others’ stories and maybe even finding that synergy to collaborate for the common good.” – Dhani Jones