We took Hoppy the kangaroo from 100 Stories Before School  down to meet a special friend recently.Russ, the book eating bus is a new initiative from the Sydney Writers Festival, part of their inaugural Children’s Festival of Moving Stories.

Nathan, Russ's driver and story champion.

Nathan, Russ’s driver and story champion.

Hoppy the 100 Stories Before School kangaroo visits Russ the story  bus from the Sydney Writers Festival of Moving  Stories .

Hoppy the 100 Stories Before School kangaroo visits Russ the story bus from the Sydney Writers Festival of Moving Stories .










When you talk to Jeanmarie Morosin,Misty the Volunteer Coordinator, the volunteers and Nathan the bus driver (special champion of Russ), they all say “It’s been fun,exciting and immensely rewarding”.

Not just for them, but especially the children,families and teachers venturing inside Russ.

Imagine clambering into a bus…you can’t see what’s inside, but on the outside dragons and crazy creatures give a hint.

(Illustrations by Tony Flowers)

When you get in – “woo hoo!”- it’s full of books!

Do monsters eat books?

Are there monsters inside?

Some of the books are form the 100 Stories list

Indrani with some of the stories that are on our 100 Stories Before School list.



There are seats for sitting and reading to check out books,  with people to help carefully choose each child’s best new book.

If the special book a child wanted is not there, it might just turn up with someone else ready to swap.( and they did!)



Misty, Nathan and Indrani (a volunteer) all explained how infectious the enthusiasm was as children entered the bus and looked for a book to swap.

Kids just couldn’t believe they were able to choose a book to take home or back to their classroom.

Maybe they found “that special book” that Jackie French feels is the one that really helps give a lifelong love of reading.

There were picture books, chapter books and young adult books –2000 donated by Hachette, Allen & Unwin,Scholastic, Penguin,Random House, Pan Macmillan,Simon &Schuster and Walker Books.

One group of children even walked back past Russ on their way back to school waving, and calling” We love you Russ!”

Schools have been incredibly supportive – just have a look at the pictures on the Sydney Writers Festival Facebook page.

Over 20 schools and a number of public venues  have been visited .

Misty and the enthusiastic volunteers ready to share a love of books.

Misty and the enthusiastic volunteers ready to share a love of books.

Add into the mix

  •  sports teams ( Parramatta Eels, Western Sydney Wanderers and Penrith Panthers)
  • key literacy advocates Jackie French and Mem Fox
  • authors and illustrators
  • sponsors and generous book donors

– you have a buzz about stories in Western Sydney.

So, a big shout out to Sydney Writers Festival for bringing books into the community and all those who supported them and made it happen.You made a difference.

Finally- just to add to the “bus theme”  a wonderful book to read:

A Bus Called Heaven by Bob Graham,Walker Books.


and a couple of videos….

Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus by Mo Willems,Hyperion Press.

The Wheels on the Bus (with a twist).