Book resource sheets

100 Stories Before School Book Resource sheets have the following information:
- Publisher
- Source for list
- Categories covered (alphabet, maths language etc.)
- Pinterest links for book activities
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- Book review links
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- Quick tips for families
The Foggy Foggy Forest by Nick Sharratt, Walker Books.

Press Here by Herve Tullet, Allen and Unwin

The Firefighters by Donna Rawlins, illustrated Sue Whiting, Walker Books.

The Terrible Suitcase by Emma Allen, illustrated Freya Blackwood, Scholastic/Omnibus.

Amelia Ellicot’s Garden by Liliana Stafford, illustrated Stephen Michael King, Scholastic.

Pigs by Sheri Doyle, Photos Fran Ortiz, Capstone Books

Harry The Dirty Dog by Gene Zion, illustrated Margaret Bloy Graham, Random House Australia.

Too Many Elephants in This House by Ursula Dubosarsky, illustrated Andrew Joyner, Penguin/Puffin.
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Other Resources
Teddy Bears Picnic
stories to share with your teddy

Book activities for stories

Getting Ready for school

Grandparents day

World Read Aloud Day